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Continue Shopping1. Hummingbirds can visit between 1,000 -2,000 flowers in one day; traveling at a top speed of 34mph and diving at speeds of 49mph.
2. According to Audubon, hummingbirds can pretty much see all colors, but are usually attracted to bright colors - like red - as it often indicates a rich nectar supply.
3. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can rotate their wings to fly backwards since they possess a unique ball and socket joint at the shoulder; allowing them to rotate their wings 180 degrees in all directions.
4. Although they are not social creatures, a group of hummingbirds - known as a "charm" - can be spotted when sharing the same food source.
5. Despite their small size, hummingbirds can be often seen defending what is theirs from others of their own kind; aggressively protecting their territory through bodies colliding and hooked beaks, spinning in circles until they reach the ground.
Fred & Marsha Miller
Sep 28, 2020
Our first gift from you was two men telling about the gal that got to close and lost her pants, we liked what we were seeing. We are the type of people that find something buy it and share, I really love the blankets but am allergic to wool, so a gift. With the celebration of Dec 25th coming, we’ll buy from you, we live just off the Flathead reservation.
Thank you for giving your people a hand up.
We’ll help by buying..
Amaryllis Albino-Moffi
Sep 21, 2020
The hummingbird is a sacred bird to the taino nation in the Caribbean, symbolizing creation and a representative of the spirit world. It is considered a tai’ku (good spirit) which we call “Colibri”.
Cyndi Alexander
Sep 21, 2020
Yes thank you for this insight. I have a story to share – A local Spiritual Leader and I worked together overseeing traditional Talking-circle sessions for our Tribal community in my local area of Central Cali. He would come by my work at times and we would talk outside my office. He stated that the Hummingbird was one of my animal spirits because every time he came by to talk to me there were hummingbirds flying around me. I told him how they would come to my office window in the mornings and flutter there, as if greeting me good morning. He taught me his Hummingbird song. And we would often start our talking-circle sessions with prayer and this song. One day a co-worker came to me saying a Hummingbird had flown into the storage room of the Kitchen from outside and was frantically flying back and forth unable to find its way out. I entered the storage room, closed the door that entered the kitchen, left the door open that lead outside. I then prayed to Creator to gift me the calmness and connection with the Hummingbird. I began singing the Hummingbird song the Spiritual Leader taught me, I slowly took a broom and lifted it to the vaulted ceiling where the bird was. It amazingly stopped frantically flying and latched itself to the broom. I slowly brought the broom head to my hand (all the while continuing my singing in a lulling manner). Placing my hand right next to the bird, it latched onto my finger. I slowly removed the broom. Unbelievably, impressed how it had latched itself onto my finger, I slowly walked outside the storage room door. I attempted to place my charming gift onto the flowering bush outside the door. But amazingly the bird would not unlatch itself from gripping onto my finger. So I stood there singing to it and enjoying the gift it was giving me back for rescuing it. After several moments I again attempted to place it onto the bush branches. It slowly stepped off, stayed there as though enjoying being sung to and did not attempt to fly away, until I was done singing the song four times. I took it as though it wanted to gift me back for rescuing it. This is a memory I will always treasure. And humbly thanked Creator for. – Hysadinawhitkii (Spiritual Walker)
Vanessa Monague
Sep 18, 2020
I was named correctly! My elders pronounce my name, Nenaakoosi. Chi miigwech for sharing.